Monday, December 31, 2007


Happy New Year Everyone!

I always reflect on this day of all the things I would like to improve on. This year I am choosing my resolutions a little more carefully, thinking only about the things that I should be doing right anyways and setting more realistic and attainable goals. I thought this website was interesting about the history of resolutions

I hope everyone sticks to their resolutions, and have a great year!

We will be at home watching Dick Clark...I know we are pretty boring people :-)

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Congrats to the (Not Quite So) "New" Hairdresser in Town

I want to post a past due congratulations to my dear sister-in-law Danielle for completing her exam and becoming an official Licensed Cosmotologist a few months ago! She has worked VERY hard and has become an awesome stylist!



Thursday, December 27, 2007

Happy Birthday Seanny!

Happy Birthday to my wonderful brother-in-law Seanny Quinn!

We celebrated at Chickies, here are some pics:


Erin (Sean's "friend") and Brian (Danielle's boyfriend)

Danielle and Lauren

Jeremy (Lauren's husband)

Jack & Pat

Sean's gift from Kirby

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Pictures

Here are some pics from Christmas:

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Merry Christmas everyone! We were so blessed to have so many of our close friends and family over this past Saturday for our annual Christmas party. Thanks to those who brought us little somethings, it was very nice!! Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures :-(

I will make sure to take my camera today and post some pics of our family in the next few days! We hope everyone has a great Christmas.

Friday, December 21, 2007

We just Elfed Ourselves....

Click here to see...

Merry Christmas to everyone!!

We have just been shopping, cleaning, decorating and working on the basement this week. It has been so hectic I haven't been able to post anything lately. Plus, I just started using Facebook, so I have been on there lately. It's a fun site to connect with friends and network.

Well, I hope everyone has a safe holiday, I probably won't blog again until Sunday (I'll have pics from our Christmas party then!)

Saturday, December 15, 2007


Hello All! Sorry I haven't been blogging so much, I have started working more and I just recently started working some hours outside of the house - I couldn't take being at home 24/7! It's just not for everyone!

For everyone who I haven't told, I left Mars and I will not go into detail why, I don't want to start bashing a company on my site - it's just not the right thing to do. If you want details I would be more than happy to let you know what kind of a company they are :-)

Anyways, I am doing consulting now for a company called Manpower, some of you may have heard of them - they are a leading Recruiting/Temporary Staffing firm. My office is literally 10 minutes from the house so it is very convenient for me. I work with the best group of women - couldn't ask for much more! And all women know that it isn't often where you can find other gals who aren't petty and immature like most young women these days! What is it with that anyway?

I am going back to school in January and John and I are trying to have a baby. Hopefully now with the stress taken off of my plate by leaving Mars it will happen soon for us. Please have us in your thoughts, it has been really hard for us these past few months in the baby department. We are trying to stay strong!!!!

I sent some invites to our friends - John and I have recently joined Facebook and LinkedIn. If we haven't sent you an invite or the invite we sent expired, please go on and join. It is free and gives you the ability to network with friends and family while also being able to share photos and videos. Don't worry about your privacy, on both sites you can mark it so that only your listed "friends" on the site can view your information. You can view the links by clicking above or by clicking on the links to the right --->
So, that's about it. We are decorating and putting up our tree today. Oh, and Christmas shopping. Neither of us has purchased anything yet - We are true procrastinators :-)

Friday, December 07, 2007

The Quinn's Zoo

So, not too much has been going on here, just working, fixing up the house more (we've moved on to the basement project!! woohoo!!) The waterproofer is coming Monday to do the work, then we will drywall all of it and put down new floor. We will probably wait until the spring to do the painting, decorating, etc. I can't wait, we are going to have this HUGE area to have a nice family room. Our idea is to not have a TV in the "living room", just a stereo, which is nice because then hopefully we will watch less TV. We want to get a fancy dancy HD flat screen hang on the wall thing for the basement. Anyways, enough babbling...

Oh, by the way, don't ever use Value Dry to waterproof your basement. We found them and thought they might be good - they sent out some young punk salesman and quoted us at 3 times the price that my mom paid to have her's done. We called up my mom's guy and thankfully he is travelling down here to do ours. What a rip-off these big companies are!!

Our house has literally been like a zoo with our new addition. Bailey is the sweetest thing ever, except for her "accidents" and her mouthing. She goes to Puppy School every Wednesday so she has been learning a lot and being able to play with other pups. She is getting really big, she has been gaining about 2.5 lbs. a week now and she is about 4 1/2 months old. The vet thinks she will be between 60-70 lbs. full grown. It's funny she has these super long legs right now, she looks so silly!

She loves John the best, she is definitely a daddy's girl! Yes, we have succombed to calling ourselves "mommy" and "daddy" and to be honest with you I like it :-)

Monday, November 26, 2007


Happy Belated Thanksgiving to Everyone!!! This year we didn't get to cook
:-( ...Although we did get to spend the whole day with John's family at his parents' house and we got to spend time with our "other family" (all of my in-laws' friends & their kids). It's a shame, when I first met John, we spent so much time with them, but these days it seems so hard for everyone to get together.

We had a nice day - here are some pictures of our baby! (I guess we've fallen into that category of treating our puppy like a baby - hey if it is all you can do right now, it works for me!!)

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Happy Birthday Alysa Helen Jones

Born November 9th at 10:45 am - 6 lbs. 1 ounce 20 inches.

Yes, this is my first niece!!! Congratulations to Davey & Annie, and Aiden & Riley.

We are going up to see her today, so I will have many more pictures!!

Mom and Dad and baby are doing great!

Thursday, November 08, 2007


Yes, I finally got to meet Rachael yesterday at the Moorestown mall!!! I was so excited. My friend Nicky went with me. It was crazy, we got there like 3 hours early, she was a half hour late - it was nutz! We were both glad that we did it though. It's funny, because I haven't been this passionate about something for such a long time (except for planning my wedding 2 years ago). I know everyone, make fun of me, it's ok, all you RR haters!!!

Anyways, I have had a non-sexual crush on Rachael since her daytime TV show aired. She is just so inspiring to me, and watching her really lifts my spirits. It was funny, I was so excited the night before and the morning of, I guess I didn't really know what to expect, the only kind of famous person I ever met was Pat Croce (does anyone care about him anymore?) He was signing his new release when I worked at Atlantic Books. So, I was like, what do I say, what will she say, just not wanting to say something stupid like it was even going to matter! This is how it went down...

I got up to the line (my friend Nicky and I had to say we weren't together or we would have only gotten 1 picture taken :-(

One person took my book, one person took my camera, I walked up said hello and how nice it was to meet her, she said "honey turn around so the guy with the camera can see you" and she giggled and gave me the autographed book back. For the picture we had to stand in front of the table, turn around and lean in to her - not a very forgiving position to the female body!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Bailey Quinn

Meet the new addition to our family!!!

Introducing Bailey Quinn...

We adopted her from Peaceable Kingdom yesterday. She is a Black Lab Mix and is about 10 weeks old. We're not sure what she is mixed with, maybe some Rotty, Shepherd or Pit. She has some brindle on her legs and some brindle beauty marks on her face :-)

We are so grateful to have her part of our family, since we've been trying to adopt for a few months now.

So far, in the 24 hrs that she has been here the cats are taking well to her. Delilah comes down (believe it or not!) but when the puppy jumps, she hisses a little. She has already learned how to sit and got to go to PetSmart and get her first bath today!! I can tell she is going to be a little mama's (or daddy's) girl, she is just too sweet!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Still Here!

We're still here! Been a little busy, here are just some random pics I thought I would post...

AIden & Riley - Aiden supporting the Phillies with his red hair, and some pics from our "camping night" in our backyard a few weeks ago!

Some pictures from Prague (I never could get the Photoshow to work again :-(

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

London Photoshow

Here is a link to out pics from London, enjoy!


Saturday, September 29, 2007


So John and I managed to score some Phillies tickets for last night's game. It was another sell-out due to Phillies promising chance of making it to the playoff (more props to the Marlins for taking the Mets down tonight!).

Thanks to LB for getting us her Aunt's season tickets that were in the 10th row right field!!

Oh, and my highlight of the game was the Phanatic "streaking" out on the field :-)