Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Babies Update

Just an update from my previous post on all of our peeps who were having babies this year. Everyone had boys!!! Except for our friends Brian & Maureen, they had a little girl. I don't know if it is just us but it seems like everyone is having boys around us.

Congratulations Everyone!!! Can't wait for all of the babies to meet each other!!!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

New Pics

Here are some more pics of Little Jack

MOHAWK!!! (Jack's hair is so long - no haircuts until he is one!!)

Jack & his puppy

Big Smiles!! (or the beginning of a cry???)

Saturday, November 29, 2008


We had a great Thanksgiving and so much to be thankful for. John will begin working from home full-time starting January which means more time with the family and we have been blessed with a healthy little boy which we can't get enough of!! Here are some pics from Thanksgiving and the day after.

Big Boy!!

Daniel & Jack

Aunt Danielle with Jack's cousin Brian (we joked because we hardly have any pics of ourselves with our babies!!!)

Daddys with their boys!! (John and James)

Little Ella with Jack

Mommy & Jack

Too much Turkey!!!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Falcons Fan???

Looks like Daddy's trip to Atlanta confirmed his hatred for the stinky Eagles...

Friday, November 14, 2008

Random Pics

Here are some recent pics we've taken of our little munchkin. He is doing so good, sleeping great at night and eating well. He is already up to 10 lbs. as of this past Monday. This is really good for him considering he lost a whole pound a few days after birth! John and I are really enjoying being parents, it is like Christmas every morning to wake up to him!

Kisses from Daddy!

Uncle Sean with Little Jack and Little Brian

Thursday, November 13, 2008

First Bath

I'm a little late in posting this, but here is a picture of little Jack's first bath. As you can see it wasn't a great experience for mom and dad!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Here's a picture of our little pumpkin. We've decided to call him "Jack" to not have two Johns in the house (and also after his Pop-pop). He is doing great and we are enjoying every little bit of parenthood so far!!!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Welcome John David Quinn

Born 10/07/08 @ 5:51 am
8 lbs.
pics will be posted soon!!!

Monday, October 06, 2008

Today is the Day!!!!

Whether Baby Quinn likes it or not mommy is getting induced today!! I guess all of our "natural remedies" for induction didn't work :-)

We will keep you all posted on mommy, daddy and baby's status!!! Please keep us in your thoughts!

Friday, October 03, 2008

Last Belly Pic!!!

No I haven't had the baby yet!!! If nothing happens by Monday we are going in to be induced. I am 3 centimeters and almost completely effaced, the baby just doesn't want to leave it's cozy little home :-)

I was not too good about taking pics of my belly - mostly because it is very unattractive with the nice line down the middle and the peeling skin! But, I did take these last pics just so I can remember how big I was! The good thing is that I only put on 25 lbs. which is what I am told a very healthy weight gain.

The funniest thing is that none of my shirts fit anymore!! None of them are long enough so I have been dealing with my belly creeping out from underneath (not a nice sight for short people!)

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

What the ????

This is a typical scene in our house when we decide to eat a meal in our living room...poor John!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Mobile Blogging!

I am so proud of myself right now - I think I have successfully joined the world of mobile blogging from my phone! Yeah!!! I can now blog from anywhere...

Saturday, September 06, 2008

We're Making Progress!!!

So I went for my 36 week check-up this past Thursday and we are 1 centimeter dilated and 75% effaced (meaning cervix is almost all thinned out)!! Woo hoo!! The doctor seems to think this baby is going to be here much more sooner than October 3rd. She told me that the baby's head is down real low (I could have told her that considering my bladder does not belong to me anymore!) and depending on how much more I've dilated by next week we could have a baby in about 2 weeks.

According to most of my "mom" friends, the doctors don't usually tell you that unless they really think it will be sooner because they don't want you to anticipate something that isn't going to come for awhile.

I have been having quite a few contractions (Braxton-Hicks ones I suppose) but they are definitely getting more intense, starting low and moving to my lower back. We just need to get them a little more regular!

Other than that everything has been swell with us. I have put myself on semi-house arrest, meaning I am not traveling anywhere outside a 20 mile area. I made my last trip up to the Lehigh Valley labor day weekend. I just can't handle the car rides - way too uncomfortable!!

We will keep everyone posted on my status after this next doc's appt.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Riley!!

Today is my nephew Riley's 6th birthday. Now I have one nephew's birthday on the 27th of August and one on the 28th!!! Should be easy to remember!

I hope you enjoy your day buddy!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Congratulations Danielle & Brian!!!

Danielle had her little baby boy tonight, Brian Christopher at 6:19pm. He weighed in at 8.5 lbs. Everyone is doing well, we saw her shortly after. More pics to follow tomorrow!!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Alien in my belly?!?

I am so glad that I got the 4D ultrasound done a few weeks ago. I swore from the previous 3 ultrasounds and the various body parts poking through my belly at different times that there was an alien from another planet trying to escape from my body!!!!! It was nice to see a cute face!

It's funny because a lot of people post their moving bellies on YouTube but every time I try to record it stops.

I'm sure all you moms out there know what I am talking about as far as the belly movements!! It is so incredible to feel those first movements but once the space starts getting tight you start seeing knees, elbows, butts, fingers - you name it poking though. The entertainment value on a random night is the best though!! Just the train ride with my mom to NYC 2 weeks ago was the best - she didn't stop talking and poking little little baby Quinn the whole time and he/she LOVED it!! It's incredible how they respond to sounds they recognize.

NYC was fun, we got to stay at the Ritz Carlton thanks to some gift certificates earned through my old job at Mars. We saw the Jersey Boys show on Broadway and it was the best - what great music!!

As far as the "morning sickness" or "any time it wants to strike sickness" goes, it still comes and goes once in awhile. I was just in the ER twice for kidney stones, once at 28 weeks and again at 33 weeks - I guess that is just another pregnancy thing - but PAINFUL!!!

The nursery is almost put together, we have the furniture and our baby shower was last week. Thanks to everyone who was so kind to John and I and the baby, and especially to Grammy Jones and Mom-Mom Quinn for organizing everything (and hand-making my invitations)!!

"Aunt Danielle" is due with her little monkey this Saturday so we are hoping that she doesn't go "late" and everything goes smooth!

Sorry its been so long since I last posted but it has definitely been a crazy 3rd trimester for John and I. We just can't wait to meet this little baby!!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Baby Calendar

In addition to my previous post about the "baby boom" I would like to recognize a good handful (or two) or our friends/family who just had or are about to have babies

Sean & Kris - baby boy Sean born 6/08
Marc & Amber - baby boy Jackson born 7/23
Brendan & Aimee - baby boy Brendan born 7/24
Danielle & Brian - any day now!!!
Kristen & James - due 9/12
Maureen & Brian - due 9/21 with baby girl
Shannon & Kip - due last week of September with baby boy
John and I, due 10/03
Jim & Nicky - due last week of November with baby boy

Anyone see a trend here?? Lots of boys!!

Crazy, huh?!? These are all people we see pretty often and are pretty close with. It will be so fun to have kids all around the same age, especially with John and his sister having kids so close together. These will be the first grandkids for Jack and Pat (John's parents) so they are super excited!!! They will definitely be broken in quick!

Friday, August 01, 2008

Thursday, July 31, 2008


Congrats in advance to all of our friends/family members who will be having babies in these next few months!! It is so awesome because it feels like all of our friends are having children at the same time - they will all have friends to play with when we want to hang out with each other.

Is it just me or does there seem to be a "baby boom" happening here in 2008? I feel like so many people I know right now are pregnant!!!

Good luck to all of the women out there who will be giving birth soon. It truly is an amazing thing and the biggest (and toughest) job you will have as a woman!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Today is my wonderful husband's birthday. We celebrated by staying in and cooking a nice steak dinner (we are preparing ourselves for parenthood!!). Our neighbors came over and enjoyed some ice cream cake with us.

Oh, and update on baby that I forgot - I am consistently feeling him or her move this week - what a reassuring feeling!!! It sure took long enough!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Pics and Baby Quinn Update

Finally I look pregnant (and not like I've been spending a lot of time at the bar) to strangers!!! I was in Target the other day and the checkout lady asked me if I knew what I was having. We ended up having a five minute conversation about pregnancy and babies, etc. My family has been telling me that I "popped" about 2 weeks or so ago, but it's nice to know that strangers can now tell! I think that is one of the most frustrating things about pregnancy when your regular clothes stop fitting and the maternity clothes are a little too big and you just don't look pregnant yet.

Well, we are over the 5 month mark so we were able to give a huge sigh of relief especially after having our anatomy ultrasound this past Friday. The baby looks very healthy and was waving to all of us. It was funny because we had an entourage with us at the doctor's office - me, John, my mom, and both of his parents. What an emotional morning!!! We didn't find out what we were having (as per John's request - this will also give me the upperhand on deciding the boy's name, which we haven't agreed on - hee hee!!)

Here is our little pumpkin waving (it is facing forward with its arm up in the air)!!!!

Here is the side profile of the baby

Anyways, everyone has been bugging me to post pics of my belly so here are some that I took.


19 weeks!!!

Friday, April 04, 2008

I Have A Confession...

Recently, about 2 weeks ago I had a huge craving for a cheeseburger. As most of my friends and family know I have been a vegetarian (only eating fish) from about 2001 - 2006. I started eating turkey (could no longer resist mom's Thanksgiving feast!) in 2006, then chicken, then that was all I was eating. It definitely made it a lot easier to cook for John, he loves almost all chicken dishes.

So, in about my 12th week of pregnancy it was about 8 o'clock at night and I was sitting on the couch and could not stop obsessing about a cheeseburger - it was sooo weird! That's one of the things about pregnancy though - when you want it you have to have it - no matter what! So we had some homemade frozen burgers that I had made John and I got one out and fried it up. Needless to say I got very ill (I will spare you the details) at about 2 am.

The following week I went to my brother's for Easter. I looked at the smoked ham they had in disgust, and ate everything else in sight. On the way home, with our container of ham, we got stuck in turnpike traffic. I said to John, "I think I am gonna eat some ham" - he just looked at me, since he thinks I'm pretty much a weirdo for not wanting to eat meat anyway. Him and I basically devoured the meat and I was satisfied.

So now my diet faithfully includes Jr. Whoppers, Big Macs (sometimes), cheeseburgers, whatever I am feeling that day!! It's crazy, but they say when you are pregnant your cravings are telling you something - like for meat you may be low in iron. So cravings are a good thing!!

The good news is that I have not gained a pound yet with this pregnancy, all of the fat is moving to the front of me!!! Just kidding, I will probably eat those words at my next month's appointment!

Monday, March 31, 2008

House of Bethesda

This past Saturday my good friend Erin came to town and I was able to accompany her and her husband Jermaine down to a women's transition house, the House of Bethesda, that they are sponsoring. Erin and I went to IKEA and purchased bedding, curtains, etc. to donate and headed on down to the house. It is an amazing home that they are fixing up to house women in need. It has 7 bedrooms amd 3 full bathrooms so it can fit quite a few women.

I started talking to the two women who are running the program, April and Beverly and listened to some of the struggles that they are having. It is very trying when you start up a recovery home, between all of the paperwork, trying to get the grants you need and putting your name out there to rehabs, hospitals, and organizations that can refer women in need. Because of my educational background and the work that I have done in multiple rehabs I have offered my services, however they can be used, to facilitate some meetings on recovery and addiction at the house once it is up and running. I am very excited about being able to help. In the meantime, if you know anyone who is trying to recover from an addiction and needs a place to stay please contact the house directly or pass along the information.

Here is the website with the contact information
House of Bethesda

It truly is an amazing thing thing that Jermaine's Aunt April is doing to help these women and I am so glad that our family can offer our help.

*above image copyright of Erin M.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Spring is definitely HERE!

As I am cleaning the house this afternoon I decided to open all of the windows since it has reachedd 65 degrees here today!!! I love being able to open the windows, you get the fresh air, fresh breeze, and it's almost like the outside air is it's own air freshener. I went to the store and came back and the house smelled great!!

Anyways, to the point of my story. A lot of people have asked me and John lately, so, do you want a boy or a girl? I am torn between this, I love boys and most of my experience with rearing children is with boys (for how much time I spend with my nephews!!) and I think they are quite easy. I haven't been around girls too much to compare personalities but my first impression is "WHINY"! (Although they are so absolutely cute & adorable) This has been confirmed today with the kids in the neighborhood. Out of the 50 houses in yelling distance around us, I would say that 30-40 of them are inhabited by little kids, which is great for us! It's nice to know that you are in a neighborhood where there are lots of kids and you don't have to worry about finding friends for your children. I didn't have that when I grew up, my mom or dad had to drive me to a friend's house for a playdate - so you know they didn't happen that often! That's what you get when you live in the sticks! Now, boys on the other hand, they are dirty - not whiny (we hope!), but they are simple. And if our son is anything like his father he will be the easiest little boy anyone can ever have!

But back to my point, there are some little girls right now playing across our yard and I don't think one word that they have said to the boys or their parents so far has been said without a whine!!! Why do they have to whine so much?!?!? I do love hearing the sound of kids playing, it just confirms that summer is almost here! But whhhhyyyyy the whhiinnninng....

When I was growing up I was a bit of a tomboy - minus playing the sports (I danced & cheered), so I am going to vow today that if I have a little girl she is not going to be allowed to whine, she is not going to be a "princess", and she is not going to get something if she whines - did I say whines??? She will also dance and play sports - so she can learn how to lose gracefully!! I don't believe every child should be told that they are a winner. That's just misleading. She can and will wear pink, but we will have to make her tough so she can stand up to the boys!!!

I know I am going to eat my words!!!

Ok, I am finished ranting!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


This year we went to Davey & Annie's for Easter dinner. Of course we got there late, partly due to my still lingering nausea and the turnpike traffic!! It was nice to see everyone, my Pappy was there (and stayed for a little while!), and it was great weather.

The boys as usual were in their rare form and Alysa is getting sooo big!! She has the cutest little chubby legs and you just want to gobble up her little toes. Aiden & Riley didn't have the chub so we are thoroughly enjoying it with Alysa!! She didn't enjoy her bunny ears too much, we were able to get one good pic with them on thanks to my mom.

We watched "I am Legend" - great movie for anyone who hasn't seen it. John still hates it, we saw it in the theater a couple months ago. We hope everyone had a great Easter this year!!!

After looking at Erin's pictures, I just realized that we don't have a big "family" picture anywhere (except for back when my brother and I were little teeny boppers)!! :-)
Soooo, we have to remember to do a big family picture at the next gathering!

JONES' DON'T LET ME FORGET!!! - we'll do it when we are down in OC, MD this summer - that way we will be all nice and tan - not pasty looking like we are now :-)(except I will be all fat and stuff!!)

Monday, March 24, 2008

Is Blogging Safe?

Recently it has been brought to my attention that some people who hardly ever read my blog are concerned about the safety of it. Among some of the security features on my blog, one is called a Sitemeter. This allows me to tell who was on my blog, how often they check it and how long they stay on my page. So I know.... (hee hee)!

I would like to hear from my fellow "bloggers" what they think about this. Do you think my blog is safe, and what would you consider not safe to have on a blog?

This seems to be a controversial issue - especially with the commercials on TV with the safety of MySpace pages, personal websites and blogs. I think that I have put a lot of work into my blog and it allows my friends and family who I am unable to speak to as often as I would like a chance to see what is going on with us. Most people I talk to think it is a great thing, and they wish they had the time and talent to be able to put together a blog - in which I ususally respond with how easy it is!! I believe that people overreact to things - for one reason or another. I think that applying for credit cards, your doctor's office using your SS# as a reference number, and online banking can also be dangerous - but who is refraining from participating in those things???

If someone wants to "steal your identity" or "rob your house" they are going to do it if you have a blog or not.

I would love to hear back from everyone about this!!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Easter too soon???

This year I was very curious why Easter was in the same week as St. Patty's Day!! Especially about how guilty one must feel throwing back all those drinks on Monday, then having "Good Friday" a few days later!! So much for being "good"!!! Also, my mom's birthday has never been the same day (or even close) to Good Friday...Pretty weird!

So, this is what I found out through John's Uncle Patrick about the dating of Easter - it was very interesting:

-Easter is always the 1st Sunday after the 1st full moon after the Spring Equinox (which is March 20).
-This dating of Easter is based on the lunar calendar that Hebrew people used to identify Passover, which is why it moves around in date on our Roman based calendar.
-Based on the above, Easter can actually be one day earlier (March 22)but that is pretty rare. Here's the interesting info. This year (2008)is the earliest Easter any of us will ever see for the rest of our lives! And only the most elderly of our population have ever seen it this early (95 years old or above!). And none of us have ever, or will ever, see it a day earlier!

Here's the facts:
1)The next time Easter will be this early (March 23) will be the year 2228 (220 years from now)
2)The last time it was this early was 1913 (so if you're 95 or older, you are the only ones that were around for that!).
3)The next time it will be a day earlier, March 22, will be in the year 2285 (277 years from now)
4)The last time it was on March 22 was 1818.

So, no one alive today has, or will ever see it any earlier than this year! And, by the way, the latest date that Easter can fall is April 25th. The last time that occurred was 1943 and it will happen again in 2038,so it is more common for a late rather than an early Easter date.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom!

Happy Birthday to the most influential woman in my life! John and I can't wait to see you tonight! I hope you enjoy your day mom!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Pregnancy Amnesia

Ok, I do not believe any woman who says they had a "wonderful pregnancy".

I think pregnant people just get this amnesia after they deliver a beautiful baby and they forget every little bad thing that possibly happened to their body.

I am really hoping that happens to me. During these short (but painfully long) 12 weeks I have already had two colds (I am suffering from one right now), a tooth that needed to be pulled (your teeth go to crap when you are pregnant), morning sickness that seems to go away but has come back three times in the last 5 days at 1 am, problems coming from the other end if you know what I mean, a chest that can't be touched or even graced by anything, and my clothes have not fit since I found out I was prego (which by the way was like 7 days after conception!!), not being able to sleep normally, among some other things I would rather not share on my blog :-)

The best thing about pregnancy is that when you crave something so bad and finally get to eat it, it is like you are tasting it for the very first time. John just looks at me like I'm nuts when I'm eating something saying "ohhh, this is sooooo good!!"

Anyways, I am not complaining or anything, just documenting in case I do get that "pregnancy amnesia" after I have the baby!! And I can assume that even though these symptoms may get better there are probably more other ones to come!!! And, I have to say, that being able to grow a life inside of you trumps any discomfort that I could possibly go through!!!

So, I have finally succumbed to the fact that this baby owns my entire body - my body is no longer mine. I have no control over what it does, how it feels and what it is about to do next!!! It really truly is amazing, but to experience this, I am truly indebted to my own mother!!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Baby Update

Here are some new pics of our little peanut!!