So, here is an update...
I just started having "any time of the day sickness" about a week ago, around the same time that I caught John's cold, and a few days before I had to have one of my back molars pulled. No, not a good week for me (or John)!!!
I am happy to say that I kind of love my new best friend (the toilet) only because the sicker you are with pregnancy studies have shown that the healthier your pregnancy is. I keep reminding myself that this is a good thing!
As far as cravings are concerned, I want fruit, fruit, fruit!! I just ate a grapefruit about an hour ago and it is the best thing I think I have ever eaten! John is bringing me some stuff home from the grocery store on his way home from work! My list included: lemons, lemonade, popsicles (the fruit kind), fruit salad, bananas, peaches or nectarines...yum!
So, we are almost at 7 weeks, 2 weeks away from our 1st ultrasound - I can't wait to see that little peanut! I don't want to start to be a complainer this early in the pregnancy, I am sure there will be more things that will be unpleasant soon! I will try to update at least once a week I promise!