Friday, April 04, 2008

I Have A Confession...

Recently, about 2 weeks ago I had a huge craving for a cheeseburger. As most of my friends and family know I have been a vegetarian (only eating fish) from about 2001 - 2006. I started eating turkey (could no longer resist mom's Thanksgiving feast!) in 2006, then chicken, then that was all I was eating. It definitely made it a lot easier to cook for John, he loves almost all chicken dishes.

So, in about my 12th week of pregnancy it was about 8 o'clock at night and I was sitting on the couch and could not stop obsessing about a cheeseburger - it was sooo weird! That's one of the things about pregnancy though - when you want it you have to have it - no matter what! So we had some homemade frozen burgers that I had made John and I got one out and fried it up. Needless to say I got very ill (I will spare you the details) at about 2 am.

The following week I went to my brother's for Easter. I looked at the smoked ham they had in disgust, and ate everything else in sight. On the way home, with our container of ham, we got stuck in turnpike traffic. I said to John, "I think I am gonna eat some ham" - he just looked at me, since he thinks I'm pretty much a weirdo for not wanting to eat meat anyway. Him and I basically devoured the meat and I was satisfied.

So now my diet faithfully includes Jr. Whoppers, Big Macs (sometimes), cheeseburgers, whatever I am feeling that day!! It's crazy, but they say when you are pregnant your cravings are telling you something - like for meat you may be low in iron. So cravings are a good thing!!

The good news is that I have not gained a pound yet with this pregnancy, all of the fat is moving to the front of me!!! Just kidding, I will probably eat those words at my next month's appointment!