Sunday, April 22, 2007

More Kitchen Pics

I was going to wait until our new backdoor was in and the countertop was installed, but that might not be for another week. So, here it is (so far) the new kitchen.

Monday, April 09, 2007


I just have to share this with everyone because it cracks me up. Yesterday while at my Pappy's house, I gave my two nephews their Easter baskets that I put together for them. Of course, there was M&M paraphernalia in there, amongst the Spongebob pencils, coloring books, candy, etc.

After their mommy tells them that Aunt Kristy works at the M&M company where they make M&M's their wheels started turning...

"Aunt Kristy, is this your boss?(pointing to the blue M&M on the front of a toy I got them)"

I reply, "No, I work for the red one"

I couldn't help myself, I kept going..

Aiden, "You work for an M&M?" Me, "Yup, he's a pretty cool boss"

Riley, with his smirk "nuh uh, you don't work for an M&M"

This went on for a few more minutes, had me cracking up just the thought of it if I really worked for an M&M! Would be pretty cool though!

I just love having conversations like these with my nephews

Sunday, April 08, 2007

A little Trivia

Okay, here is a little game to play. You are not allowed to use Google, or ask any of your co-workers, friends or family! Only respond if you have a good answer for this question or a reasonable educated guess (or you just want to say something funny)!

If Easter is about Jesus and the Resurrection, where did the Easter "bunny" and coloring eggs come in to the picture?!?

We had a big discussion at work the other day, and I was just wondering if anyone has thought about this before. The reason I said not to use google is because first of all there isn't that much solid info out there about it (I already googled it) and it still doesn't make sense to me! I guess it just goes back to Santa Claus...

This was the only decent thing I could find online, among all of the weird ideas that people had! (But don't look until after your take your guess!)

Anyways, HAPPY EASTER TO EVERYONE!! Enjoy your chocolate!