Friday, September 01, 2006

First Day of School!

I probably should be blogging about my "Bachelorette Party" this past weekend, but this is much too important!

My oldest nephew went to his first day of school this past Wednesday! I can't believe it, it seems like only yesterday he was just this little baby crawling around and now he is going to school.

It shows just how much I feel like I am growing up - I found myself engaged in a conversation at the nail salon with some woman who is a student aide for Abington School District. I was asking her all sorts of questions about the schools, the students, the teachers. Last night over dinner John and I were saying how weird it is that we are discussing how we don't want to move out of this area because of how wonderful the school district is and we don't even have kids yet!!

All I know is I can't even imagine what it will be like when I have my first child let alone when they go to their first day of school!

Oh, and I can't forget about Riley (my other nephew). This past Monday was his 4th birthday!

Aunt Kristy & Uncle John love you!


Erin Moore said...

Looking at Aiden and Riley is like looking at Dave and Annie - it's uncanny!

~Seth and Nancy~ said...

those two are gonna look ADORABLE in little tuxedos!!