Thursday, November 08, 2007


Yes, I finally got to meet Rachael yesterday at the Moorestown mall!!! I was so excited. My friend Nicky went with me. It was crazy, we got there like 3 hours early, she was a half hour late - it was nutz! We were both glad that we did it though. It's funny, because I haven't been this passionate about something for such a long time (except for planning my wedding 2 years ago). I know everyone, make fun of me, it's ok, all you RR haters!!!

Anyways, I have had a non-sexual crush on Rachael since her daytime TV show aired. She is just so inspiring to me, and watching her really lifts my spirits. It was funny, I was so excited the night before and the morning of, I guess I didn't really know what to expect, the only kind of famous person I ever met was Pat Croce (does anyone care about him anymore?) He was signing his new release when I worked at Atlantic Books. So, I was like, what do I say, what will she say, just not wanting to say something stupid like it was even going to matter! This is how it went down...

I got up to the line (my friend Nicky and I had to say we weren't together or we would have only gotten 1 picture taken :-(

One person took my book, one person took my camera, I walked up said hello and how nice it was to meet her, she said "honey turn around so the guy with the camera can see you" and she giggled and gave me the autographed book back. For the picture we had to stand in front of the table, turn around and lean in to her - not a very forgiving position to the female body!


Erin Moore said...

You are too funny!! I'm glad you got to meet her though - it's always neat when you find someone that you can relate to!

Was it "my Nicky" that went with you? I'll have to check her blog!!

Miss you!

Erin Moore said...

...Oh by the way - the leaning over the table thing - yes awkward, but I'm sure that there was some guy closeby that was not minding that. In fact, it was probably a guy who masterminded the whole thing. Just be glad you weren't wearing a skirt!

Kristy & John said...

No. Not Nicky Gawel. Another Nicky. She is the person showing off her butt in the other picture.

The Gawel's said...

For a minute as I was reading, I thought wow--I got to meet Rachael Ray! Darn!

I do miss you, we really need to get together sometime and catch up.