Saturday, December 15, 2007


Hello All! Sorry I haven't been blogging so much, I have started working more and I just recently started working some hours outside of the house - I couldn't take being at home 24/7! It's just not for everyone!

For everyone who I haven't told, I left Mars and I will not go into detail why, I don't want to start bashing a company on my site - it's just not the right thing to do. If you want details I would be more than happy to let you know what kind of a company they are :-)

Anyways, I am doing consulting now for a company called Manpower, some of you may have heard of them - they are a leading Recruiting/Temporary Staffing firm. My office is literally 10 minutes from the house so it is very convenient for me. I work with the best group of women - couldn't ask for much more! And all women know that it isn't often where you can find other gals who aren't petty and immature like most young women these days! What is it with that anyway?

I am going back to school in January and John and I are trying to have a baby. Hopefully now with the stress taken off of my plate by leaving Mars it will happen soon for us. Please have us in your thoughts, it has been really hard for us these past few months in the baby department. We are trying to stay strong!!!!

I sent some invites to our friends - John and I have recently joined Facebook and LinkedIn. If we haven't sent you an invite or the invite we sent expired, please go on and join. It is free and gives you the ability to network with friends and family while also being able to share photos and videos. Don't worry about your privacy, on both sites you can mark it so that only your listed "friends" on the site can view your information. You can view the links by clicking above or by clicking on the links to the right --->
So, that's about it. We are decorating and putting up our tree today. Oh, and Christmas shopping. Neither of us has purchased anything yet - We are true procrastinators :-)

1 comment:

Erin Moore said...

Holy Cow - we need to catch up!

I'll be praying for God to bless you with a new slavemaster, I mean baby. Consider this time GRACE before your life changes forever!

Let's try to connect live this week!