Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas Morning - Two's version

This year Christmas for us was nuts!! We had a Christmas Eve Eve party at our house on Saturday night so that we could see a lot of our friends and family that we wouldn't see on Christmas. Christmas Eve was spent at John's parents' house, but we decided since we didn't drink to make the trip up to my brother's house late night. We left Philly around 2 am (yes we are crazy!) and arrived at Dave & Annie's house at about 3:15 am. Everyone was nestled in bed sleeping when we got there. We tried to unwind but to no avail we could not fall asleep. This is the chain of events that led to our Christmas morning:

3:15 am - arrived at Dave and Annie's house
3:30 am - still couldn't fall asleep
3:45 am - I whisper to John - "are you still awake", he replies "yes" and we both giggle!
4:00 am - We hear my mom get up to go to the bathroom
4:10 am - Davey's alarm clock (that is birds chirping) goes off, someone hits the snooze button
4:15 am - we hear Riley fussing/crying and see him run before my mom bare butt because he thinks he wet the bed (but he didn't)
4:20 am - Annie (who hates mornings especially at 4 am) gets up and shuts our door so that we can get sleep (yeah right!)
4:30 am - Davey's alarm clock goes off again, someone hits snooze
4:45 am - I hear "alright, everyone up" time to open gifts
5:00 am - We are all up around the tree with our eyes half open trying to look excited!

And with all of this, I still say it was all well worth it! One of the reasons we wanted to get up there so early is because Grammy (my mom) got the boys a trampoline for Christmas! I just realized though that I didn't take a picture of it - I will when we go up there this weekend.

Anyways, I will let John tell his version (complete with pictures)...


Erin Moore said...

What time was everyone back in bed for naps?

Kristy & John said...

I actually tried to lay down before breakfast (about 9 am) but was woken up to eat at about 10:15 - I was so tired that I didn't even know if I really slept or just relaxed - did that ever happen to you? It's such a weird feeling!

MaineMom said...

You two love birds are so silly!