Thursday, December 14, 2006

Everything is BIGGER in TEXAS!

Okay, so the #1 motivation for this blog entry is to keep my good friend Erin happy!! I do not want to be taken off of her blog (I've already been warned). Some of you know what I mean!!!

I admit, I haven't been too good with the blogging lately. Looking back at my blog, it seems that I only want to blog about the good times or "occasions" that have been happening. Not too much has been going on lately and I'd hate to bore everyone with little details of my life right now.

But, again, for my good friend Erin who I love dearly I know this means a lot to her! I will give you all an update!

I am not working right now, yes collecting unemployment for the first time in my life and actually just for this moment it feels pretty damn good to get some of that tax money back that I've paid into all these years! The only thing that I am regretting right now is that besides for the temporary relaxation, I am not doing anything meaningful with my time right now and it is getting to me. I will have my AS in Behavioral Health/Human Services in about 2 weeks (yipee)! It only took me about 7 years :-)

I have been traveling with my dear husband for his work which is going great! I am so proud of how far he has grown with the company he is with, he is doing very well in his "After-Market Sales" career. We have been so far this year to St. Louis, Hornell (NY), Pittsburgh, Binghamton (NY), and the past few days we've been in Dallas (TX). I just haven't taken any pictures - we didn't really do any touristy stuff, but we did drive by the "grassy knowl" where JFK was shot. We wanted to stop there but we were on a highway and believe me the way the people in Texas drive, you do not want to mess around! It's funny, being out there for a few days I realized how rushed we Philadelphians are all the time. Everyone out there is in slow-mode pace (except for on the highway!) I actually stopped and thought "why are we always in such a rush?"! John went to one of his customers and the company's break room had a pool table and all in it. They really know the meaning of "taking a break".

Well, right now it is 1 o'clock in the morning and I am rambling! Hopefully I can post something more meaningful in the next few days!


The Gawel's said...

Glad to see you are back! I do know what you mean about being taken off the list! I actually thought she had made a mistake and replaced my name as a Tia! I always feel as if I am boring people with my blog. I write about the kids and school--nothing really interesting. It is nice to read about the people you know, know matter what they write about.

MaineMom said...

Welcome back to the world of blogging! I don't know how you people do it! A part of me wants to ask my husband how to do it, but a part of me doesn't for fear I will get on Erin's "poop" list for gaps in my blogs. Erin and Nancy are serious bloggers! If blogging was an Olympic sport, those two would medal at the top!

Enjoy your time off as it won't last forevah (as we say up here in New England)!!

Kristy & John said...

Yeah, you are lucky you are still on!! It's funny, I think sometimes it is best that I don't blog a lot for fear that I might offend someone - especially if everyhting I think about was blogged - SCARY!!

Think happy thoughts...Think happy thoughts!

Kristy & John said...

Erin, I'm waiting for your comment...It's been 3 days!!!

Erin Moore said...

Oh boy, it's apparent that I've got a bad reputation for being hard on part-time bloggers.

This is my frustration. Going to my blog 3ish times a week and clicking on every stinkin' link on my blog, 3 ish times a week and finding that only one of my links actually goes to a "LIVE" place (thank you nancy).

You don't have to write, just post your damn pictures people, I am clever enough to think up my own captions when I see pictures that capture moments of your life (that are important to me and that I am missing!!) If I have a question, I'll be sure to post a comment and ask it - it'll start a little dialog and it'll be fun!

Join the blogging revolution! Don't worry about offending anyone or boring anyone with your mundane lives (I don't!!) I mean really, did you guys really want to read about my appliances - NO!, but I blogged anyway. It's very cathartic for me.

Keep blogging...I'm checking!