Friday, May 12, 2006


I am committing to a new resolution today that I will update my blog at least every other day!! I have noticed that my regular "blogger" friends have stopped checking my blog (and commenting) on a daily basis because I do not keep up with it! I have to admit though, it is frustrating when you constantly check someone's blog and it is the same entry over and over again!

To all you (slow) bloggers out there, and yes I am including myself, BLOG, BLOG, BLOG...even if you don't have much to say, come up with something!


Erin Moore said...

I'll believe it when I see it, Jones!
...Just like dieting, you start with good intentions but by lunchtime you've already forgotten all about it.

Kristy & John said...

yeah, yeah, yeah - I may not be much of a dieter (ie the 20 lbs I gained since October) but I'm gonna be a GREAT blogger - you just wait and see...

Erin Moore said...

...I'm holding my breath

Erin Moore said...

..every other day, huh?

Kristy & John said...

You're fresh!! Yesterday was a "holiday" so the next blog will be tonight!

~Seth and Nancy~ said...

how'd the "race" go yesterday?